Meeting Jesus at the Mall

Oct 22, 2024 | Testimonies

The Holy Spirit comes through again: After praying for guidance from the Holy Spirit, I went to a large mall in our town on a very busy, crowded weekend. As I walked into the mall, a young man was walking out and yelled across the walk to speak to someone behind me. From what he said, I felt impressed to use what he said to start a conversation with him. I turned the corner to follow him outside where I approached him and began the conversation. As we talked, he expressed he was a believer but had turned away from God. When we spoke about the church, he mentioned a church his parents attended. It was the same one I attended and I knew them well. We revisited his relationship with God and he knew this was a divine appointment to seek God again. I saw his parents the following week and they said he had started attending again as well as renewed his walk with Jesus. God is so good that out of thousands of people in the mall, He specifically united us so that the Holy Spirit might draw him back to God.
Luke 15:11-31 This reminds me of the Parable of the Lost Son who wanted to explore the things of the world and shortly realized that it does not fill the soul with true joy. The son returns home and finds the open arms of a loving Father who accepts him back into the family. Our God is so compassionate and forgiving to those with a contrite heart.