Using Testimony at the Gym

Dec 11, 2024 | Testimonies



One of the more natural ways we can share the gospel is by using our testimony. I had written out my testimony recently and was eager to see what opportunities would arise for me to use it. It all began when I went to the gym that morning and commented on an image on a young man’s shirt which led to asking general questions about where he was from, what school he attended, and what he was studying. After he described the business degree he was seeking to obtain, I shared about my recently sold business and the learning curve I had experienced trying to navigate the business world without formal training. I was able to talk about how God had blessed my business partner and me on multiple occasions and how prayer played a big role in our success. As he resonated with my comments about God and prayer, it naturally led me to ask about his faith background. He admitted he knew about Christianity and the gospel but had not committed to follow Christ. We discussed the main points of the gospel and that when we are made new in Christ, He changes our heart’s desires to seek Him and not the things of this world. We talked about how eternity can come quickly for any of us so don’t let the desires of this world keep you from being with God forever.

In Acts 26:1-23 Paul gives his testimony before King Agrippa, sharing what his life was like prior to meeting Jesus, then how he met Jesus, followed by what his life was like after meeting Jesus. Most of us may not have a testimony like Paul, but we ALL do have a testimony that can connect with people and include the gospel that may help someone else find eternal life. Share it !!!!

Bo L.