Did you know you can buy shoes and share the gospel at the same time? God thinks so! After a store attendant helped me find the best shoes to support the high arches on my feet, I was looking for sole inserts to make sure I had the support I needed. Another attendant came over to help me and after finding what I needed, I handed her one of my favorite tracts that asked the question, “Will My Pet Go To Heaven?” I usually stick out my hand with the tract and say something like, “Do you love pets?” Many pet lovers wonder about that question so they readily accept it and it starts the conversation in the direction of the afterlife. After discussing her furry family members, I asked her if she ever thought about what would happen when she died. She responded that people go to the ground and get eaten by worms and that is it. I then asked why she thought that was an option and all she could indicate was it was just what she assumed. When I get that response, I usually talk about how there would be no ultimate justice if all of us decayed in the dirt. We all like justice to be served when crimes are committed, that’s why there are so many crime shows on TV. Knowing that almost half of the crimes committed each year go unpunished, there would be no ultimate justice for anyone, which means no accountability for our actions. She agreed that was reasonable so I was able to transition to share the gospel with her and assure her that God is not only a God of love and compassion, but He is also holy and just. She was thankful for the conversation and agreed to think about our conversation. By the way, hopefully, my pickleball game will improve with my new shoes.
Shoes and The Gospel