Entering a grocery store, I spotted a gentleman sitting by the window in the front of the store. I stopped and chatted briefly with him and offered to buy him a drink. He accepted, so after I finished shopping I brought him his drink and a few other items to fill his stomach. People are very appreciative when you give them free food. I simply asked him if he would not mind sharing his story with me. He revealed he was homeless and usually hung out at this store when it was raining. He told me his family history and that he had been homeless for a while now. After sharing some good resources where he could get some help and shelter, I asked him what he thought happens to people when they die. I have found that this is a good, nonoffensive question to ask that will help you get an understanding of what people believe about the afterlife. He expressed he believed there was a heaven and hell and as we discussed the gospel, he revealed he had accepted Jesus as his savior as a young man. I was pleased to know he knew his destiny and that he would spend eternity with his heavenly Father. I encouraged him that he was of great value to God and that God sees him and knows him. I reminded him God can open doors he never thought would be possible and to seek him with all of his heart. After giving him more information on where to find shelter and provision, we prayed together and parted ways.
God sees all of us, no matter what condition we are in or where we live. He can do more than we can ask or imagine, even in the most difficult situations. We just need to trust that He has our best interest in mind as we do our part to humbly worship Him and seek His face.