Below is a curated list of several wonderful resources which may be of value for you to become better at sharing your faith with others, or perhaps learn more for yourself to decide if Jesus of Nazareth is who he said he was:
“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)
Living Waters Gospel Tracts
Here you will find fun gospel tracts that help you start the conversation to share the gospel. Some are comic strip-style tracts, fun quizzes, IQ challenges, booklet-style
Mark Cahill Tracts
These tracts are designed to catch the eye at first glance with a picture on the front and a conversational style presentation of the gospel on the back. You simply hand someone a tract and ask what they think the picture represents. You can use the write-up on the back as a guide to help you get to the gospel within a few minutes of discussing their answers. Give it a try.
Every Believer A Witness
Mark Cahill Books
Here you will find several books I highly recommend to stir your heart with the desire and passion to share the gospel. One Thing You Can’t Do In Heaven and One Heart Beat Away will inspire you and challenge you to seek to start a conversation with those you encounter daily.
Additional books:
Books from a variety of authors to strengthen
your defense of the gospel.
Start the Conversation for Life Articles
Here are all of the articles we’ve published on this website in one place.
Apologetic Sources:
Find articles, videos, books and conversations on Faith and Culture and how Christians can thoughtfully engage with those of different world views and find answers to difficult questions about faith.